Peer Review Process ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Articles, review articles, and essays submitted to the Lidé města / Urban People journal a double-blind peer review process, which can have one or two rounds. During this time, manu treated as confidential documents. After submission, the authors are informed about the registration of the text by the edito The Editor-in-Chief has the right to recommend language, stylistic, structural, and conten to the manuscript prior to its submission for peer review. The Editorial Board as a collec right to refuse the text before or during the review process or at any moment before publi of inconsistency with the journal’s goals, non-compliance with academic standards, and/or the manuscript, research misconduct, or violation of ethical principles. Every submission accepted for the review process is evaluated by at least two independent Reviewers follow objective scholarly criteria for review recommended by the journal (inclu instructions for reviewers), as related to the content and structure of the text, and must the submission should be a) published with minor or no changes, b) revised and resubmitted According to reviewers’ recommendations, the journal’s Editorial Board either accepts the to the author(s) for revisions/rewriting, or rejects it. No more than two rounds of review in the second round, additional reviewer(s) might be recruited for evaluation of the manus of the review process typically takes four to eight weeks. However, the journal takes no r possible delays caused by the reviewers. The authors of the text are informed about the peer review results and the Editorial Board in written form, usually within eight weeks from the submission of the manuscript. If revi text are required, the authors need to submit them within the time frame suggested by the and the Editorial Board—usually within six to eight weeks for English editions. If require purposes, formal confirmation of submission or the acceptance of a manuscript for publicat upon request. Reviews and reports are not subject to the peer review process. Decisions about the public revisions of these texts are made by the Editors-in-Chief and the Editorial Board; they ma ask for academic input regarding these texts from external experts.